Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Present in the Presence

Welcome to my blog.
We swim in an ocean of media, often unaware of its influences on our life. Meanwhile, God's Spirit permeates our world and beckons us to live that loving Presence. How do we navigate the waters around us while being aware of the presence of God within and around us?
Help me explore that question as I look at books, films, TV and other cultural media and reflect on the tension of how to live in the present and in the Presence.
That's the subject of my book Present Tense: A Mennonite Spirituality, and here's a quote from it final page:
"Spirituality … is living in (and by) the Spirit. It is not a strategy or tactic, not a rule or lesson but a life. And living, as we all know, is usually mundane, messy and unpredictable."
Again, welcome.

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